

Um, we’ve got a business problem here, and we were wondering if you could help - maybe give us some advice. You see, we’ve got this new startup… 🐲Pendragon. It’s offering Family-Offices-As-A-Service, which sounds like a great idea with a huge market, because who doesn’t want a family office?! I mean, Estate-Planning-As-A-Service ?! Sign me up! And the price? It’s currently free/priceless/expensive, in other words, just win-win-win alignment, which by definition, is fair. And all you have to do is email No way! I’m in.

Which is what I, 🧙🏼‍♂️Francis, said, which is why my 🏛️Estates are the only ones currently managed by 🐲Pendragon, although I suspect that will soon change.

🏛 Family Offices & Estates

🏛 Estates

🐲 Alignment

🎻 Musical Victory 📯

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